Uncompromising Christian Counseling

Uncompromising Christian Counseling


Sound familiar?

  • I feel isolated, alone and separated from God.
  • I feel miserable in my marriage.
  • I’m afraid that God has lost patience with me.
  • I have failed so many times in living the Christian life.
  • I have a hard time believing that God still loves me and forgives me.
  • I just don’t measure up.
  • I’ve been hurt too many times by Christians and/or by the church.
  • I am depressed. I have no joy as a Christian. How can that be?

During our time together we will learn

  • our identity in Christ.
  • a new depth and richness to our forgiveness and acceptance with God.
  • how to live moment-by-moment in intimacy with God, your Father.
  • how to live in the freedom of Jesus.

As a Christian Counselor, I believe that full and lasting mental health and emotional healing comes through Jesus Christ. The Bible is full of people who struggled with the same issues that we all do. More importantly, the Bible gives us the solutions for those issues.

I would consider it a privilege to help you along the way as we search for the answers.

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What is Christian Counseling?

Christian Counseling looks at how certain beliefs and thinking patterns negatively affect your spiritual well-being. It is a challenge to understand how to live out our Christian life in a complicated world with complicated circumstances and emotions. In Christian counseling you will learn how your identity in Christ impacts you and how your faith principles (love, forgiveness, perseverance, mercy, grace, compassion, gratitude, integrity, faithfulness) can help you through emotional and psychological difficulties.

As a Christian counselor, it is my goal to work with you using both uncompromising Biblical principles and evidence-based mental health treatments. I am comfortable integrating faith with proven therapies such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

Some clients really want little more than to know their therapist shares the same belief system. Others have specific spiritual issues related to their emotional symptoms and want to be able to process those in session with another person who shares the same faith with them.


At times, a more spiritually integrative approach is used with clients who may want to discuss Scripture or prayer. Some clients like to discuss what the Scripture offers them concerning their issues as well as pray during their session. I can help you take an “inside look” and encourage you to have a closer and more personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I may also suggest local Christian support groups that have proven to be successful and that you can possibly identify with. You determine the path you take, and I will support your decision.

“For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them” – Matt. 18:20

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Christian Counseling vs. Secular Therapy

Many Christians struggle with mental health problems but don’t seek therapy. Christians tend to fear secular counseling because they believe the therapist will:

  • Ignore spiritual concerns
  • Treat Christian beliefs and experiences as pathological
  • Fail to comprehend spiritual language and concepts
  • Assume that Christian clients share nonreligious culture norms
  • Recommend therapeutic behaviors that Christian consider immoral

Some of the methods used in Christian counseling may be like secular mental health treatments, but often the emphasis suggested in Christian counseling will relate to your spiritual growth and development to promote your relationship with God and others.

Another primary difference between secular and Christian counseling is that Christian counseling utilizes a Biblical worldview. It derives its understanding who we are, the nature of our problems, why we have these problems and how to resolve them from God’s Word and from mental health research that is compatible with Scripture. It recognizes that we struggle with our flesh, and it is our flesh that impacts our thinking, behaviors and emotions.

I purpose helping you find freedom in God

who created you to be, rather than who the culture says you should be. My goal as a Christian counselor is to use sound, evidence-based therapeutic principles that are in alignment with Scripture.

There is hope. You are not alone. Often it just takes someone that you can confide in and talk about those things which are keeping you stuck. Together as we search for solutions in the Bible, we will learn how to invite Jesus to be the “Wonderful Counselor”. I will provide for you a caring, professional ear. I want to hear your story. My goal is to relate to you and your issues with humility and a desire to see you experience who you are in Christ and experience His freedom.

Contact Me Today and Let’s…